Messages par IssamAir

    Bravo: tu viens de gagner un premier avertissement oral, c'est le premier dans la hiérarchie des avertissements.

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    wtf men j ais fait la lecture de la charte du forum il n y a pas d interdiction d ecrire avec l'alphabet anglais ou peut etre que tu a made cette nouvelle loi en toi , why why why the revolution has transformed Tunisians, you have become very bad

    show me the passage of the charter we are not all French speaking

    C'est bien, tu sais rédiger en Français.

    Si tu abuses de nouveau des post en Anglais, ce compte (comme d'autres récemment et précédemment) risque de ne pas faire long feu.


    I use a translator to make as few mistakes as possible, so calm down bro, I don't really like the way you talk to me, you often talk like that to people you've never met, because I think you're threatening me, if you have a problem bro, you come on whatsapp, we discuss it, I'll give you my number , :|


    il est un bon player mais il manque à rafia de la maturité et de la determination , la technique il l'a dans les pieds , conduite de balle, elle est bien.

    il doit se remettre en question , l année 2022 est sa derniere chance si il veut faire un carriere pro

    it's not just taraji, all tunisian club leaders are pariahs for national football, they are all corrupt leaders, not one of them is honest.

    what should be done is a demonstration in front of the sports ministry because I can guarantee you that Kamel Deguiche is corrupt like all the rest.

    It is really anarchy in this national selection of Tunisia. The clubs want to impose players, if my memories are correct, there was a quota of players who had to play in the selection under the era of hamouda ben ammar from esperance, club africain , css and ess.

    25 years of mafia and still no change....It was roger lemerre who managed to stop club interference, then leaders of the Tunisian club decided to sabotage the work of roger lemerre in 2008 to have him fired....

    how jalel kadri became the coach of the tunisian team and by what miracle did he manage to qualify the tunisian team for the world cup!

    I looked more closely at the tactical methods used against Nigeria and against Mali, these are tactical devices learned in Europe and from what I know, Jalel Kadri was trained in Tunisia.

    It's weird.

    this tactical rigor does not exist in the Arab world, to compensate for the technical and collective weakness of the Tunisian team, the one who was behind Jalel Kadri is an experienced person in tactical mastery and the positioning of players on the field. Because I checked Jalel Kadri's wikipedea page, he never coached in Europe.

    The first time I saw such tactical rigor in the Tunisia team was against Nigeria. Sometimes I have the impression that the real coach of Tunisia is another person. I thought of Roger Lemerre but it's not him, he doesn't have time.

    Hier j'ai regardé jellel et je peux vous assurer qu'il plane le mec Complet !!!! Il croit qu'on va jouer la Mauritanie !!!! et et que avec msakni, khenissi, zaziri, iffa, ghandri, chalaali, meriah on va réussir à passer le deuxième tour... pire pour lui le Brésil n'a pas baisser de régime mais c'est nous en jouant à 10 on a réussi à les bloquer !!!!! En deuxième période bien sûr....hhhh

    le sparring contre le brazil avec un score de poids lourd 5 buts a 1 a montré l'amateurisme du coaching de Jalel Kadri

    Cette acharnement contre lui est pas correcte.

    Certe il est loin d'être parfait mais de là, à ne pas le vouloir dans le groupe tandis que Meriah et Iffa iront au mondial et trouveriont ça normal.

    En fait on a la fédération qu'on mérite.

    Ever since he baptized his son in church, he's become an enemy

    TRADUCTIONFRANÇAISANGLAISswap_horiz FRANÇAIS ANGLAIS ARABETexte sourceLe Canada en une coupe du monde va passer le 1 er tour et nous en 5 participations on va faire du tourisme. On est vraiment exceptionnel les tunisiens. La question que je me pose c'est quel guignol permis nos 26 poussins va se battre pour récupérer le maillot de Mbappé après le match. Ils se battent plus pour récupérer le maillot des adversaires que pour espérer de marquer des goals maudit tavernac

    There's a reason for that, it's genetics.

    the Arab player was always satisfied with what he had in his hands, he never sought to build on his achievements.

    with good supervision and professional advisers, youssef msekni would be in real madrid.

    I also noticed that he lost in technique and in power since he evolves in the Qatari championship

    I think that Tunisia must entrust the destiny of its local football to Anglo-Saxons for at least 5 years.

    we can no longer continue on this path, it's shameful, we have infrastructures but the training does not follow